Events September 2022

Teachers’ Day Celebration

Teachers are the backbone of any country, the pillar upon which all aspirations are converted into reality .”- Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam.

“Teachers play an extraordinary part in the lives of children during the formative years of their development and the importance of teachers is something that cannot be understated.” The same was reflected on the occasion of Teachers’ Day at Sheila’s Kids Zone on 6th Sep (Tuesday).

The program was led first by the prayer followed by a peek into Dr Radharkrishan’s life and why Teacher’s Day is celebrated throughout India. After this  the tiny tots performed scintillating acts like dances, singing songs and dressing and enacting as their teachers etc. to denote love, respect and gratitude. Thereafter, as a token of love and appreciation for the tiny performers, the teachers arranged fun filled activities and games that made the day memorable. The kids also participated in various craft activities like making photo frames  & cards for their teachers. The Teachers along with the students sang songs and played together created memories to cherish forever.


Celebrating Green Day

Green is the most common colour in the natural world, think of nature and we see Green in all its glory expressing renewal, life and energy.

In order to teach our children about the use of colours in their immediate environment and to help them to develop an understanding of Green colour, SKZ organized different activities on 12th September 2022, for the tiny-tots. All the students came dressed in different shades of Green and the Classes became vibrant with the beautiful Green backgrounds. The students were taught how to recognize Green vegetables, leaves, trees and various other objects. An activity of colouring trees, and watermelon, and also paper-craft in which toddlers made snakes, etc. were held in the Class.


English Rhyme Recitation

Poem – a way of expressing our thought, a medium to reflect the talent of the young ones. 

Reciting a poem encourages a child to study, memorize and immerse themselves in a powerful language. The English Poem Recitation event was held for the toddlers of the Nursery class on 13th September 2022. The kids participated with enthusiasm and energy. The Rhymes proved to be instrumental stepping stones for the tiny tots to learn the language. The students recited enriching lively and cheerful rhymes.


हिन्दी भाषा दिवस 

प्रत्येक वर्ष 14 सितंबर को राष्ट्रीय हिंदी दिवस मनाया जाता है। इस अवसर पर छात्रों को हिंदी दिवस के महत्व व इतिहास को बताने के लिए भाषण प्रतियोगिता के साथ अन्य कार्यक्रम का आयोजन किया जाता है। साथ ही कई साहित्यिक गतिविधियां आयोजित की गई। छात्रो द्वारा शलोक गाए गये व अलग-अलग तरह के  पोस्टर बनाये गए।  अध्यापकों द्वारा हिन्दी दिवस का महत्व समझाया गया और बताया गया कि हमें अपनी मात् भाषा हिन्दी को बढावा देना चाहिए और इसे पूरे उत्साह और उमंग से मनाना चाहिए।


Soluble and Insoluble

Tiny tots love to explore and discover the world around them. In fact, they are born scientists–testing and experimenting and making conclusions. An Activity on the concept of Soluble and Insoluble substances was conducted for the kids of the Nursery class. The experiment was very simple and fascinating for them. The teacher took 2 glasses of the same size with water filled in it. A small quantity of salt and some pebbles were taken for the experiment. The children were thrilled to see the salt being dissolved in one glass and on the other hand pebbles settled at the bottom of the other glass. It was a fun experiment for preschoolers to predict and observe what dissolves in water. Such hands-on activities lead students through the steps of the scientific method. The Little Scientists swim away from each lesson with new knowledge in their tanks!


Cooking Without Fire 

Is it possible to cook without fire? “Yes very much possible!” say the students of Sheila’s Kids Zone.

“Cooking with kids is not just about ingredients, recipes and cooking. It’s harnessing imagination, empowerment and creativity.”

Cooking can happen even without the fire. A “Fireless cooking activity” was conducted on 20th September 2022 for students of class Nursery at Sheila’s Kids Zone.

This activity was conducted with a view to create awareness about the nutritional value of food cooked without flame , the necessity and advantages of healthy eating and to encourage students to stay away from Junk Food. Through this activity the students learnt the spirit of teamwork, culinary skills, appreciating the hard work put into cooking.  The aim of the activity was also to provide a platform for students to showcase their talent and explore new areas of interest.

The students prepared healthy sandwiches using Bread, various fruits, Jam and Nutella etc.

They served the dishes in an artistic and aesthetic way which was most appealing and the displays were a visual treat tickling  to the taste buds.

Our kids really amazed us!!


Celebrating World Peace Day

The International Day of Peace, also known as “World Peace Day” is observed every year on 21st September. This day is celebrated around the world to strengthen the ideals of peace, through observing 24 hours of non-violence and cease fire. The celebrations allowed the children to understand the importance of creating and maintaining peace amongst themselves, families and their surroundings. The Nursery Class students made a Dove (which is a symbol of peace) with their hand print impression, whereas the students of the Prep Class were directed to paste white coloured Doves on paper plates. Some children also brought white blown balloons signifying peace and tranquility.


CWS Cambridge World School - Rajouri Garden Branch