Events December 2021

विजय दिवस 

भारत में 16 दिसम्बर को विजय दिवस मनाया जाता है।   यह 1971 के युद्ध में भारत की विजय का प्रतीक है। इस दिवस के अवसर पर  युद्ध में शहीद हुए वीर सैनिकों के सम्मान में श्रद्धांजली समर्पित की जाती है। इस युद्ध के द्वारा बांग्लादेश पाकिस्तान से स्वतंत्र हुआ और पाकिस्तानी सेना को भारत के सामने बिना किसी शर्त आत्म-समर्पण करना पड़ा।यह युद्ध भारत के लिए ऐतिहासिक और हर देशवासी के हृदय में उमंग पैदा करने वाला साबित हुआ।हमारे विद्यालय में  वर्चुअल कक्षाओं में अध्यापकों  द्वारा विजय दिवस का महत्व समझाया गया और श्लोक गाए ।

Christmas Celebrations

Christmas, the cheerful and pious festival that marks the birth of Lord Jesus Christ was celebrated with fun, frolic and gaiety virtually at Sheila’s Kids Zone. The celebrations commenced with an online prayer meeting. The teachers then explained the significance of the festival to the students through a Christmas story and inspired them to help and support the needy and spread the feeling of joy and happiness. The tiny tots attended the Virtual session dressed as Santa, fairies and the decorative stars added to the merriment. Activities like Christmas tree decoration using bells, toys and Santa mask making, painting a Christmas Tree on drawing sheets were conducted for the students. The tiny tots celebrated the day by exhibiting their talent through song and dance performances. Santa Claus surprised the children by visiting them virtually and sending them fun emojis as gifts. The entire celebration was filled with the positive vibrations of Christmas carols. The program concluded on a joyful note with the festive spirit and invincible excitement among the students.

Celebrating New Year’s Eve

The New Year is celebrated all over the world with fun and excitement. This is a Special Day for all of us as we welcome the New Year in our own different ways. On 31st December SKZ celebrated New Year’s Eve with full enthusiasm. The kids of the Nursery and Prep classes made beautiful eye masks and participated in a virtual New Year Party.

CWS Cambridge World School - Rajouri Garden Branch