Say No To Plastic – Plastic Free Day
Plastic pollution is a global catastrophe and sadly it is a man-made one. Did you know that approximately 500 billion plastic bags are used on a global scale? This is having an extremely detrimental effect on the environment, wildlife and indeed human health. To educate our tiny tots of this hazard, the School celebrated International Plastic Bag Free Day on 2nd July 2021. A backdrop was used to bring heightening awareness about these real and pressing issues brought about by this most popular of disposable carrying devices. This educative session had a profound impact on students regarding plastic use.

All Things Green And Beautiful
A little splash of Colour can brighten up the day and when it’s Colour Day in our classroom, the day is truly kaleidoscopic.
Colours gives us the opportunity to take our children into a magical world where colours come alive. Each colour so unique and special in making the world we live in so beautiful – Just like each little child in our care, unique and so very special. Keeping this in mind, on 2nd July 2021, the SKZ celebrated the Green Colour Day. The day was celebrated virtually where the virtual classroom was decorated with Green charts in the background. The celebration involved a fun activity where the students were taught to make a Green Turtle using papers. The students thoroughly enjoyed the activity. Green – the colour of life, renewal, nature, and energy had the positive impact on tiny toys bringing in growth, harmony, freshness and safety.

Celebrating Doctors’ Day
A Doctor is someone who is qualified in medicine and treats people who are ill. Doctors’ Day was first observed in order to pay respect to the legendary physician and the second chief minister of west Bengal, Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy. He was born on 1 July 1882 and died on same date in 1962 aged 80 years. We celebrate Doctors’ Day to recognize the contributions of physicians to individual lives and communities. The children were very excited as they geared up to celebrate the special day. The teachers performed the role of a doctor and nurse in front of children during virtual classes. The students enjoyed the activity and learnt that Doctors’ are the real heroes in this pandemic.

Celebrating the Colour Blue
Blue is the colour of the sky and the sea. It is often associated with depth and stability. Blue symbolizes trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence and truth. In order to emphasize the importance of Blue colour, Sheila’s Kids Zone conducted Blue colour day for kids of the Nursery Class. The little ones were dressed in different shades of Blue in their virtual class and kept their favourite Blue coloured object. The kids were involved in a fun filled activity of making a blue whale using paper plate. All the kids were very excited to take part in the celebration.

Cooking Without Fire – Fruit Salad Engine
To develop the skill of non- flame dishes, a weekly activity ‘Cooking without fire’ was organized in the Prep Class. The aim of the activity was to provide a platform for students to showcase their talent and explore new areas of interest. It was conducted with a view to create awareness about the nutritional value of food cooked without fire. The students prepared a healthy Fruit Salad Engine using fruits like watermelon, mango, grapes, pears etc. They served the Salad Engine in an artistic and aesthetic way. The children were also dressed in colourful aprons, chef cap and gloves at the time activity. The tiny tots not only enjoyed the varied taste, but also learnt about variety of flavours, colours, shapes and sizes of different fruits.

Funtime – Let’s Make a Toast
It is important to cultivate healthy eating habits in children as it benefits their growth and holistic development. It also helps to boost their immunity system and prevents them from falling sick easily. Keeping this in mind a Fun Toast making activity was conducted for the kids of the Nursery class on 9th July, Friday. The teachers taught them to make a toast using ingredients like bread, peanut butter, banana, jam etc. They also told the kids about the importance of healthy food and food etiquettes. This activity helped the young chefs in learning how to be independent. It also improved their fine motor skills. They later relished the delicious self-made treats.

Soluble and Insoluble
Kids are curious and always exploring, discovering, and experimenting to find out about different things around them. An Experiment on soluble and insoluble substances was conducted for the kids of the Nursery class. The experiment was very simple and fascinating for them. The teacher took 2 glasses of same size with water filled in it. A small quantity of salt and some pebbles were taken for the experiment. The children were thrilled to see the salt being dissolved in one glass and on the other hand pebbles settled at the bottom of the other glass. Overall it was a fascinating experiment which made the concept of soluble and insoluble clear in the minds of the children.

The Oil and Water Experiment
In scientific terms, an experiment is an empirical procedure that arbitrates competing models. The students were familiarized with basic scientific experiment of food, oil and water. In this experiment students learnt that oil is less dense than water and floats on top of the water. Food colouring is water based and it mixes with the water. These basic concepts have taught children vital lessons. Children enjoyed doing this experiment and had fun.

Let’s Play – The Abacus
The Abacus, also called a counting frame, is a calculating tool that has been in use from ancient times till today. The students were taught the basic calculations with the help of an Abacus. The School In-charge taught the children how to use the Abacus and identifying one’s and ten’s units. The students were very curious to learn something new. Overall the session was very informative and interesting.

Celebrating Eid-Ul-Adha
Eid-ul-adha is a festival of prayers, joy, happiness, and brotherhood. At, SKZ, Eid was celebrated with great fervour and excitement. The celebrations began with an informative presentation by teachers in which they explained to the children the meaning and the purpose of celebrating Eid. The children of the Nursery and Prep classes came dressed in traditional attire and learnt how to meet and greet friends and relatives, and how to offer them sweet delicacies on Eid. A craft activity was also conducted by teachers. The kids were excited to make lamps and wall hangings. Teachers reiterated the importance of celebrating this festival by sharing joys, meeting others, distributing sweets among their loved ones and giving alms to the needy.

Kargil Diwas
SKZians celebrated ‘Kargil Vijay Diwas’ to remember India’s victory on 26th July 2021. The teachers told the importance of the deeds and sacrifices of the army and promote nationalism and unity among students and pay tribute to the Kargil Martyrs who are the symbols of courage and sacrifice for safeguarding the borders of the Country. Patriotism is a social value. The feeling of patriotism is to be inculcated at school level to make sure that student becomes the responsible citizen of our Nation.

Celebrating International Tiger Day
International Tiger Day is celebrated every year on July 29th. SKZians celebrated International Tiger Day by spreading positive awareness about our National Animal. The Day is celebrated in order to raise awareness for protection of tigers. The teachers explained the importance of this day in their respective classes. The children were informed that we should not hunt tigers for our sport or for our fun. The little kids also contributed in the celebration, they were dressed as Tigers and spoke about them. The kids also did activities like making a Tiger Mask and Tiger Face Fan Folding etc. It was very interesting and enjoyable session. The kids learnt a lot about our National Animal, the Tiger.

Friendship Day
The noble idea of honouring friends and friendship is a popular tradition in India and one can see the festival being enthusiastically celebrated by students. The kids of the Nursery and Prep classes celebrated Friendship Day on 31st July 2021. The teachers decorated their backgrounds and taught the kids that friends are the gems who will never ever leave you alone in any circumstance even if the whole world is acting against you. The tiny tots made beautiful friendship bands in their online classes. They enjoyed and celebrated this day with a warm heart and happiness.